O Winters & Yonker, P.A.
Uber has become a popular mode of transport for many people in Florida. The taxi company offers an easy, safe and affordable way to get from one destination to another. Most of the time your Uber ride will end without any problems. However, car accidents can happen at any time and anywhere in which you will be needing a New Port Richey Uber Accident Attorney. You could be unlucky and get into a car crash while in an Uber car. After your crash, you might have a lot of questions regarding your accident. You will want to know if Uber will foot your medical bills.
You may be wondering if the company will compensate you for lost wages and pain and suffering. To get your questions answered, you should contact a New Port Richey Uber accident lawyer. Rest assured that if you have suffered an injury in an Uber accident the relentless accident attorneys at Winters and Yonker have the experience to get the compensation you deserve.