Alamiva creates and installs unique stretch ceilings for home, offices, and commercial spaces. A stretch ceiling uses a pre-designed image with a specially-prepared PVC-based membrane to create an artistic three-dimensional look that allows the space to stand out. Customers can integrate Alamiva stretch ceilings with LED lights, backlighting, and embedded speakers to provide a dazzling display or even a multimedia work of art. The PVC membrane uses noise absorbing technology, so you can also use an Alamiva stretch ceiling to help soundproof your home or business. Installation is fast and effective, with long-lasting results. Alamiva makes its stretch ceilings from 100% recyclable material, making it as green as possible. Because the material is of such high quality, it is also hypo-allergenic and non-toxic, making it ideal for people who are considered about the health of their children, pets, customers, or clients.