Earthbound Massage - Mobile Massage Therapist in Tampa, FL
Earthbound Massage deliver professional massage straight to your home, office or hotel room. Your massage treatment is custom to your individual specifications. Brought to you in the comfort and privacy of your home or room, so that you can receive the benefits you need without the stress of commuting.
Our therapists are well trained and have extensive background and experience with soft tissue, sports massage, and rehab therapies.
We offer your choice of a relaxation, sports, athletic stretching or deep tissue massage. Time spent getting a massage is never wasted!
How Mobile Massages Can Help You Stay Healthy and Feel Good?
The rise of mobile massage therapy has made it possible for people to get a massage at work, on the go, or even in their own homes. Mobile massage therapy is a great alternative to traditional massage therapy because it can be performed in any location. Earthbound Massage LLC provides convenience and comfort for those who are looking for a quick fix.
Mobile massages are a great way to stay healthy and feel good. Mobile massages are now a growing trend in the health care industry. As the demand for this service grows, more people are turning to massage therapist in Tampa, Florida for relief from chronic pain, stress, anxiety, depression and more.
How to Find the Best Mobile Massage Therapist in Tampa, FL?
Massage therapy is a great way to relieve stress and relax the body. It also helps with many other health issues such as headaches, poor circulation, arthritis and more. There are many types of massage that you can try such as Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, sports massage, in home massage, hot stone massage and more.
If you are looking for a mobile massage service in Hillsborough and Pinellas county, FL then you should consider choosing us. At Earthbound Massage, we offer the type of treatment that you need as well as the various styles of massages. Give us a call 813-993-3113 or visit our website to schedule appointment in advance.
Earthbound Massage offer your choice of a relaxation, Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, sports massage, athletic stretching , wood therapy, aromatherapy, hot stone massage, in home massage.