We stand for sustainability. Our mission is Nothing Wasted. And when we say nothing, we mean it. That is why there are 3 distinct parts to our business we offer to our community in Northwest Arkansas: 1) Food Waste Recycling; 2) Selling Compostable Supplies (plates, cups, forks, etc.) 3) Using the Recycled Food Waste for Compost Fertilizer
We build soil, not strip it. We are a viable alternative to petroleum/chemical-based fertilizers; our fertilizer mixes enhance the quality of the soil and feed plants and lawns with all the nutrients they need.
Currently, our product and process are in the testing and perfecting phase. We want to make sure the sustainable, organic fertilizer is the best possible product for you.
Because food is about 70% liquid, we produce a solid and a liquid product. Our solid compost is excellent because it:
Builds and enriches the soil
Helps retain moisture
Reduces the need for petro-based chemical fertilizers
Is microbially rich and helps your plants get the most out of their surrounding nutrients.
Suppresses plant diseases and pests
Reduces the need for chemical fertilizers
Reduces methane emissions from landfills and lowers your carbon footprint