Hidradenitis Suppurativa is a chronic, inflammatory skin disease that causes recurrent and painful nodules, boils, abscesses and lesions of the skin.
HS can affect anyone at any time. But women are proven to be three times more likely to be affected than men.
HS causes recurrent and painful nodules, boils, abscesses and lesions of the skin. These can burst and leak exudate which can sometimes have an unpleasant smell. The lesions can also form tunnels under the skin and cause painful scarring of the affected area.
HS can affect anyone at any time. But women are proven to be three times more likely to be affected than men.
HS causes recurrent and painful nodules, boils, abscesses and lesions of the skin. These can burst and leak exudate which can sometimes have an unpleasant smell. The lesions can also form tunnels under the skin and cause painful scarring of the affected area.