Montreal multihealing Session by Merlin to eliminate stress fatigue depression anxiety injury illness disease
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Montreal multihealing Session by Merlin to eliminate stress fatigue depression anxiety injury illness disease
Solutions for Stress, Fatigue,
Anxiety, Depression, Injury ...
So Would you like to ... ?
relax - stress free - sleep better - enjoy life more - be calm and centered - be grounded- stop worrying - overcome sickness- have more energy - know your purpose in Life - explore creative dimensions and intelligence - increase productivity- Live in Light and Light Lives in You ...
Do you answer yes to any of the above?
If you do - you are in the right place. Have the journey with me in marking the footprints that you intent now till no time as you breathe in and breathe out.
The session is a combination of Reiki, Meditation, Light evoking and manifesting, and sound vibrations.