Sobre Nikoui And Associates
Do you want to know about Latent Print Analysis, Comparison, Evaluation, and Verification Services, Forensic Identification Consulting Services, Crime Scene Investigation, Automated Finger/Palm Prints Identification Services, or are you having trouble getting these services but now do so Nikoui And Associates specialist is Califonia, Newark contact us now via the website
Do you want to know about Latent Print Analysis, Comparison, Evaluation, and Verification Services, Forensic Identification Consulting Services, Crime Scene Investigation, Automated Finger/Palm Prints Identification Services, or are you having trouble getting these services
Nikoui & Associates' identification and processing services include advanced chemical and physical processing, retrieval, preservation, documentation, comparison, and identification of full or partial finger, palm, and footprints if you need more information from Forensic Photography, AFIS and Biometrics, and our Training is also provided through the medium, in which work is done with well trained and experienced people, you can easily contact us
Certified Latent Print Examiner, Fingerprint Laboratory, Fingerprint Processing Laboratory, Forensic Identification Services