Extracorporeal shockwave therapy is also a common form of treatment for painful issues in your feet, such as: Plantar fasciitis, Heal spurs, Bunions, Strains, Fractures.
To get back on your feet and back to your active lifestyle, come to ReBalance in New York City for shockwave therapy. Using sound waves, this breakthrough procedure is applied over your skin, but it works underneath. Schedule a consultation today!
Shockwave regenerative therapy is a form of orthopedic and sports rehabilitative treatment for both injury and chronic pain, although its name isn’t quite as fierce as it sounds. The treatment consists of soundwave pulses delivered via external — or extracorporeal — handheld tools. Thanks to decades of success and proven safety, extracorporeal shockwave therapy is becoming a standard procedure that speeds healing.
Make an appointment at ReBalance to ask if using shockwave therapy for your work, sports injury or pain is appropriate. While it can ease your pain and speed your healing, radial shockwave therapy is not advised for some people or conditions.