We organize regular courses , milonga and vals, weekly milongas and events , workshops and seminars to study specific topics, from the salon to the nuevo, working on the confined spaces of the Milonguero.
For eight years we have organized the Rome International Festival, the ROMA TANGO MEETING , one of the most important after the ones in Buenos Aires.
We are part of international study groups, in order to compare and update our experiences with those of other great masters and dancers from all over the world, to allow our students to profitably follow international workshops and dance with a style modern and aware all over the world.
Our work continues to be constantly evolving, maintaining firm respect for the traditions, history and culture of Argentine Tango.
For eight years we have organized the Rome International Festival, the ROMA TANGO MEETING , one of the most important after the ones in Buenos Aires.
We are part of international study groups, in order to compare and update our experiences with those of other great masters and dancers from all over the world, to allow our students to profitably follow international workshops and dance with a style modern and aware all over the world.
Our work continues to be constantly evolving, maintaining firm respect for the traditions, history and culture of Argentine Tango.