Hi5Cars is committed to making sure that we offer you a wide selection of different vehicles that you can choose from. We carry some of the top names in the industry to ensure that you can get behind the wheel of a luxury ride without the luxury price tag attached to it.
When you choose a used car from our company, you can rest-assured that it is reliable as we perform a 172 - point inspection on all of our cars. We also sell extended warranty plans that help protect your investment as well. Once a customer is in possession of the vehicle, all repairs, if any, must be approved by us and done by our company - approved repair station, no exceptions.
Getting credit through Prestige Auto Sales Inc is unlike any other credit you have ever received. With a single click or call, our own finance company fights with several national lenders for your loan, giving you instant access to the most competitive financing terms anywhere.
When you choose a used car from our company, you can rest-assured that it is reliable as we perform a 172 - point inspection on all of our cars. We also sell extended warranty plans that help protect your investment as well. Once a customer is in possession of the vehicle, all repairs, if any, must be approved by us and done by our company - approved repair station, no exceptions.
Getting credit through Prestige Auto Sales Inc is unlike any other credit you have ever received. With a single click or call, our own finance company fights with several national lenders for your loan, giving you instant access to the most competitive financing terms anywhere.