The Awakened Method weaves pre & perinatal birth psychology, ecopsychology, & spiritual psychology through a continuum relationship field rekindling the connection to Authentic Self, Community, and Mother Earth. Our story from the womb brings a contextual understanding of how we form relationships with self, others, community, and the planet. When looking through this lens we can understand how climate change, disease, war, and our current political system has evolved.
Our life story is held in our bodies; from our first experience in the womb to the present moment.
These stories, along with the environment holding them, express through our bodies as health or dis-ease. All stories have joys, growth, shock, and trauma. It’s the stories of trauma and shock that dysregulate the mind-body-earth connection- leaving our system fragmented and affecting health, relationships, and our life experience as a whole.
The Awakened Method weaves pre & perinatal birth psychology, ecopsychology, & spiritual psychology through a continuum relationship field rekindling the connection to Authentic Self, Community, and Mother Earth. Our story from the womb brings a contextual understanding of how we form relationships with self, others, community, and the planet. When looking through this lens we can understand how climate change, disease, war, and our current political system has evolved.