It’s important to know that, just because one or several laws or regulations say one thing, but another law says something different, it is not always a “get out of jail free” card. A driver pulled over for smoking marijuana in a state without any recreational marijuana laws is unlikely to prevail in convincing an officer that, because it is legal in some other state than the one they are currently driving in, they should be left alone. In the case of CBD, it is helpful to know the specific laws and regulations that legalize possession of it by consumers.
With the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill, we can ship CBDPure to every U.S. state. We do not ship Internationally outside the United States, Canada, and U.K.
CBDPure products are trusted by holistic health professionals and by health conscience people everywhere. Our products have been made using the purest, highest quality ingredients and backed by the wisdom and principles of time-honored herbal remedies.
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