DeeDee Animation Studio is an award-winning animation production studio, based in Hanoi, Vietnam. We create engaging stories - from animated films and tv-series to commercial videos, with the beautiful visual language of cartoon & 2D animation.
To represent Vietnam on the world's animation stage, with high-quality animated productions.
DeeDee Animation Studio, as a member of BRIDEA., JSC, is an award-winning animation & cartoon production studio, based in Hanoi, Vietnam. We are known for our expertise in 2D animation production service, with experience in animated videos, animated films, animated series, educational videos, cartoons, TVC, and advertisements.
DeeDee Animation Studio is founded in 2012 in Hanoi, Vietnam, from our passion for the art of animation and storytelling. Our team at DeeDee Animation Studio is a collective of young and passionate storytellers, artists, and animators that all share the same vision of bringing Vietnamese animation onto the world's stage.
DeeDee Animation Studio takes pride in delivering our animation services at the highest international standard.
Animation production services:
Animated Films
Animated Series
Animated Advertisements and Commercial Videos
Animated Music Videos
Explainer Videos