О drnalinjoshi Respiratory Care
Dr. Nalin Joshi is a Director Pulmonary Medicine, NIMS University. Having over 27 years of rich experience in healthcare sector in various roles, Dr. Joshi aims to bring the best of the global services and quality healthcare in India to provide international standards of health services.
Dr. Nalin Joshi Your Trusted Respiratory Care Expert
Are you seeking specialized and comprehensive respiratory care in Jaipur? Look no further! Dr. Nalin Joshi is a renowned and leading pulmonologist, committed to providing exceptional healthcare services for all your respiratory concerns.
Awarded with Dr. T. N. Sharma Oration Award for his excellent contribution in respiratory diseases on 4th January 2019 by RAJPULMOCON, organized in collaboration with National College of Chest Physician (NCCP) and Indian Chest Society (ICS)
Best Pulmonologist, Lung Cancer Specialist, Asthma, Tuberculosis, COPD Doctor in Jaipur