Want to become self-employed? Learn how to get paid to write articles, and become a freelancer to start working at home.
Become a Freelancer to Become Self Employed
Professionals can find lots of ways to get paid to write articles, but knowing where to look is only half the job. To earn income by freelancing, writers must also deliver just what their employers want. Learn what Web sites want and how to deliver it, and start working at home as a freelancer.
Hiring Freelance Writers
No one can be self employed without earning money, right? Based on this simple principle, one truth remains: work at home professionals need to find paying jobs. Get paid to write articles by finding sites which routinely and regularly hire freelancers, and find out what they want (and expect) from their writers.
Writemyessay is always looking for new freelancers. Writers at Writemyessay can create as many articles as they want, earning income based upon the page views they bring in to those pages. Freelancers who work for this site must create keyword-rich articles at least four hundred words in length. In many cases, Writemyessay writers will apply to specific topics, offering specialized articles in their areas of expertise. Even topic writers may contribute to other sections of the site, broadening their writing portfolios.
Demand Media offers hundreds of flat-rate articles on a daily basis, along with a selection of revenue-sharing articles. Freelancers who work for this Web site have no limit to how many articles they choose to write, but Demand Media is extremely specific about what they want. On-site guides make it easier for work at home writers to create the specific articles this content site wants to publish. The article list is searchable by topic, so writers can create content on the subjects of their choice.
About’s writers are widely regarded as experts, and for good reason. The site sets rigorous writing and experience standards, so freelancers must have a great deal of training and/or experience in the topics they want to write. About hires guides and contributing writers to create articles and blog posts. The site guides are responsible for offering regular content on a specific topic, earning a base revenue in addition to page click-generated income.
Write to Work at Home
Writers who want to work at home need to learn the skill of search engine optimization to create keyword-focused content for the Internet,
Topic Editor 2020 - Education