О Essentialise Functional Life Coaching
We are a Functional Life Coaching provider working out of Preston, in the North West of the UK. We are Englands Premier Functional Coaching service, and our focus is on increasing performance through advancing wellbeing, personal understanding, and applying neuroscience to life.
Our mission is to spread the precepts of Functional Coaching across the world. Everyone can get a little bit better, every day. This compounds massively, and spreads the power of growth across your circle of influence. If everyone was making marginal gains every day, the world would be a better place.
We work with individuals and business to maximise their performance. We use the DECIDE model, a functional process that invovles accessing goals, and why we have set them. We then look at your deeper purpose, and identify the hidden strengths your have that can propel you.
We then look at your sleep, attention, movement and nutrition to see where we can optimise them to give you more energy to chase a better version of yourself. With this burst of energy, we clarify why your have the beliefs you do, and how this affects your feelings, thoughts and actions. We look to unpick habits that are not serving you and help you understand your mind.
Having built a base we then upgrade your mindset, cultivate resilience and build in new positive habits and routines that make it much easier to stay the course and continue growing. Finally, we help you plan a pathway to success, and support you as you take the action you need to.
ILM Level 5 Coaching and Mentoring
Functional Life Coaching Service
Functional Business Coaching Package
Energy Management Mentor
Optimal Nutrition Consultant
Mindset Workshops