The IRS is able to enforce a powerful tool that forces you to pay any money you owe them by placing a lien on your property or garnishing your wages. What this means for you is that the IRS will automatically deduct a set amount from your paycheck each payday. This is a serious situation for many individuals. If you are already living paycheck to paycheck, losing money out of your check each month can cause you to fall into debt or you may find yourself in a situation where you cannot afford one or two of your bills. At Leading Tax Group, we know you are scared and anxious and we are here to help you. If you have any questions about wage garnishments or you want to put an end to the madness, call our office today for a free consultation.
Federal tax liens are public record, and this means that everyone can see how much you owe to the IRS. This also means that this information will appear on your background checks and even when you have your credit report pulled. As a result, you may find that it is near impossible to secure the financing you need for items such as a home or car.
You will find yourself in a situation where your back is against the wall and you may even feel like you are losing an uphill battle. This is where our team will step in and fight for your rights. We know how difficult it can be to deal with situations like this and our aggressive tax attorneys will make sure you never have to go at it alone.
Federal tax liens are public record, and this means that everyone can see how much you owe to the IRS. This also means that this information will appear on your background checks and even when you have your credit report pulled. As a result, you may find that it is near impossible to secure the financing you need for items such as a home or car.
You will find yourself in a situation where your back is against the wall and you may even feel like you are losing an uphill battle. This is where our team will step in and fight for your rights. We know how difficult it can be to deal with situations like this and our aggressive tax attorneys will make sure you never have to go at it alone.