Lifestyle Money offers quick cash loans so you can afford the things that matter when you need them. From loans for everyday expenses to personal loans for higher education or buying a first car, the company offers a range of solutions to suit you.
Lifestyle Money offers quick cash loans so you can get ahead in life and afford the things that matter when you need them.
With over 50 years of experience in the industry, Lifestyle Money is passionate about helping kiwi families get the financial support they need to grow and thrive.
The company works with each client to create a custom plan that suits the needs and lifestyle of the person. The flexible finance options they offer are perfect for those who wish to spread out the cost of their purchases and pay them off over an affordable timeframe that suits their budget. For those looking for help with existing debts, Lifestyle Money also offers debt consolidation loans to assist clients.
Lifestyle Money understands that no matter where we are in life, everyone needs a little extra help sometimes. The affordable loans they provide can be efficiently acquired for everything from emergency expenses to school supplies for the kids, a new dishwasher, or financing a new car.
Whether you require funding to support your family as they grow or to enable yourself to get the qualifications needed for that dream job, a small cash loan can give us the financial freedom to make a big difference!
Apply for a personal loan today and get the financial support you need with Lifestyle Money at