Magnum-X is 100% natural product. Formulation of product based on Royal jelly and Long-leaf Eurycoma root both known for their sexual improvement properties.
Royal jelly has a remarkable composition, the research of which has been carried out till now. It contains 67% water, 12.5% protein, 11% simple sugars (monosaccharides) and 6% lipids, mainly fatty acids. It also includes many micro-nutrients, some enzymes, antibacterial and antibiotic components and vitamins.
Royal jelly for men “works” in the following directions: restores male strength; treats prostatitis, as well as adenoma; rejuvenates the body; gives strength; strengthens muscle tone; heals infertility.
Long-leaf Eurycoma root has the ability to restore and maintain male potency; it positively affects the level in the blood of the male sex hormone testosterone. An increase in the concentration in the blood of testosterone is the guarantor of: a strong and stable libido (sexual desire); prolonged erection; high-quality ejaculate – with a high concentration of spermatozoa.
Royal jelly has a remarkable composition, the research of which has been carried out till now. It contains 67% water, 12.5% protein, 11% simple sugars (monosaccharides) and 6% lipids, mainly fatty acids. It also includes many micro-nutrients, some enzymes, antibacterial and antibiotic components and vitamins.
Royal jelly for men “works” in the following directions: restores male strength; treats prostatitis, as well as adenoma; rejuvenates the body; gives strength; strengthens muscle tone; heals infertility.
Long-leaf Eurycoma root has the ability to restore and maintain male potency; it positively affects the level in the blood of the male sex hormone testosterone. An increase in the concentration in the blood of testosterone is the guarantor of: a strong and stable libido (sexual desire); prolonged erection; high-quality ejaculate – with a high concentration of spermatozoa.