We use our best effort to supply customers with quality products and an efficient and reliable service.
We respect the confidentiality of sensitive customer information.
We ensure that customers pay for goods and services received per agreed terms and conditions.
Proffex Kenya Limited has decided to adopt the principles of the ISO9001 Management specification to ensure
reproducibility in all of the company ‘s activities including manufacture, product design, administration sales. In time,
it is expected that formal accreditation to this standard will be attained. Quality management ensures that all of the
company processed follow tried and trust procedures and maintains discipline within the organization.
We respect the confidentiality of sensitive customer information.
We ensure that customers pay for goods and services received per agreed terms and conditions.
Proffex Kenya Limited has decided to adopt the principles of the ISO9001 Management specification to ensure
reproducibility in all of the company ‘s activities including manufacture, product design, administration sales. In time,
it is expected that formal accreditation to this standard will be attained. Quality management ensures that all of the
company processed follow tried and trust procedures and maintains discipline within the organization.