有关我们 Affinity Medical Supplies
Affinity Medical Supplies is a leading company in the medical supplies industry providing effective relief and long-lasting solutions for body pain. We sell top quality, state-of-the-art ARYSE braces. Using their signature exo-performance technology, ARYSE braces mimic and strengthen the way the body works.
We sell top quality, state-of-the-art ARYSE braces. Using their signature exo-performance technology, ARYSE braces mimic and strengthen the way the body works. These braces are designed to imitate the body’s natural movement, while at the same time offering support for a dynamic range of motion. They are easily adjustable and provide long-lasting stability. Using a quality brace will give you extra support, allowing you increased mobility.
Affinity Medical Supplies specializes in the supply of medical equipment, including knee braces, back braces, and shoulder braces. Call now to verify your insurance and place an order for your shoulder braces.
MetForce Ankle Brace, MetForce Wrist Brace, MetForce back Brace, Tru Range Knee Brace, MetFroce SFast Shoulder Brace, Tru Range Elbow Brace