Homeopathy offers the best of the homeopathic treatment, which is based on research and
documented data.
Aura homeopathy approach to any disease is constitutional ,as Aura homeopathic treatment
is tailored to each person. In this case, practitioners select medicines according to a total
picture of the patient, including not only physical symptoms but also lifestyle, emotional and
mental states, and other factors. For that a detailed case taking is very necessary. Aura
Homeopathy has its time-tested usefulness.
Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of
remedy is based upon the theory of individualization, underlying root cause (Miasm) and
symptoms similarity by using a holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state
of complete health can be regained by removing the underlying cause and all the signs and
symptoms from which the patient is suffering