Since our inception Donkey Junk has catapulted to the forefront of global news and has become a trusted source for events that usually go untold by mainstream media. Our no-BS stance on reporting has given us a rapidly growing and loyal audience.
With sources all over the globe, we are able to bring you groundbreaking, reliable, and in-depth articles on subjects ranging from conflict, crime, history, space, paranormal & the unexplained.
If you are looking to advertise your business on the Donkey Junk platform or have an interesting story to share with us, please feel free to contact us.
With sources all over the globe, we are able to bring you groundbreaking, reliable, and in-depth articles on subjects ranging from conflict, crime, history, space, paranormal & the unexplained.
If you are looking to advertise your business on the Donkey Junk platform or have an interesting story to share with us, please feel free to contact us.