有关我们 Odisha
A free website to listen, revive & reconnect with Odisha's rich literary past.
Reciteworld is a virtual library of contents like Short Stories, Audio-books, Poems, Biographies, etc. It is a program launched by Udaygiri Foundation Trust. Our foundation has embarked on the mission to make our heritage literary contents in Odia, accessible to the general people in more user-friendly ways considering the lifestyle and pace of present-day life. It’s an earnest effort to give one a rich experience of listening and reading pleasure which we believe will result in increased popularity and hence keep the legacy of our language enriched.
Audio Books in Odia, Odia Audio Stories, Odia Audio Books, Odia Stories Listen Online, Audiobooks and E-Books in Odia, Odia Audio Story, Audio Story in Odia
文化 Bhubaneswar, 印度