有关我们 Recording Connection Audio Institute EDM Program
Looking to land a career in the music industry, like a music producer, live DJ, post production specialist?
Our insider access is your opportunity to make lasting hookups to launch your career as a music producer. Learn in private sessions from a professional music producer.
Audio Engineering Schools, Music Production Schools, Audio Engineering School, Music Production School, Audio Schools, Electronic Music Production Schools, Electronic Dance Music Schools, Audio School, Electronic Music Production School, Hip Hop Music Schools
From the basics of listening and microphone placement to Pro Tools and mastering, apprentice under a legendary Audio Engineer in the studio. Learn in the trenches and on the job to take your dream to the professional level.
Turn your passion and ear for music into a career by understanding the world of managers, agents, royalties, copyrights, 360 deals and more. You can't get more inside music business access than this course. Become a music Mogul.
Learn Post Audio while apprenticing under a Post Production Specialist in their recording studio. If working on movie, TV and video game soundtracks sounds like an incredible career, this course is for you.
Work directly with accomplished engineers, producers, and music industry veterans at one of our fully-equipped local studios across the country.
Education, Music, School