The Harder I Work the Luckier I Get, the concept of working hard to get what you want out of life seems to have been lost on many people. But it hasn’t been lost on us or our customers.
We understand that not everyone has the ability to work, but for those who do, we believe that the words of 2 Thess., 3:6-12 speak volumes.
We strongly feel that working hard is good for the soul and that work should not be shunned.
Our brand is for those who know that if they work hard, good things will follow. We support this concept with our products by helping to remind you of why you do what you do.
Whether you are working hard on the job site, in the office, in the home (YES we know how hard moms work!), at your sport, or on your side gig, we support your hard work!"
Behind every success story is a story of hard work. We want to hear YOUR story so that we can share it and help inspire others to reach their dreams and goals through hard work. Nothing that is worth doing is easy and any goal or dream that's worth persuing is going...
The Harder I Work The Luckier I Get, Personal development, Tee Shirt, Meritocracy American Dream, conservative, c, quotes about hard work, capitalism, American Exceptionalism,