It is certain that many people remember studying math, science, history, and more in school. It is doubtful that anyone remembers their first class in wealth literacy, or any class in wealth. So, we created the Choosing Wealth® platform. For yourself, think about wealth. For a moment, truly envision it. It’s clear, there are uncountable perceptions and ideas about wealth. Our Wealth Literacy Institute seeks to offer people a means to learn and think about wealth from a very personal point of view. We combine our Choosing Wealth® Calculator and the content herein to present some common sense ideas and practical steps for normal life questions. Everyone learns that wealth is a choice. More specifically, wealth is the result of personal choices over time. We run contrary to the notion of “break the cycle of dependence.” Our Choosing Wealth® platform blends into employee benefits programs, dovetails with financial services, and complements education curricula. It’s also great for individuals, families and groups who want to create their own cycle of independence.